I follow many blogs that friends have created for their families, and blogs of fellow teachers with great ideas. I am starting this blog in the hopes that I will be able to archive some of the ideas I have and I use in my classroom. There are so many great blogs out there, and I hope I too can contribute to the list. I would like to be able to use my blog in the form of a yearbook/portfolio of the school year.
I am currently teaching 4th grade again, and we have been in school now for 3 weeks. I am still building relationships with my students and their parents, as well as my colleagues. I started at a new school this year, so it is almost like being a first year teacher again. I am anxious to get into a more settled routine. I hope to offer my ideas, my challenges, my triumphs to other teachers who may or may not be going through the same ideas.
I am not sure that I will use this blog as a means of communication with parents, but it's still early in the game and like I stated I haven't made up my mind as of yet. What I do know is that I love teaching and being in the classroom with my kids. If nothing more, I will use this blog as my own memory book of this school year and all that goes on.